Press release: Unusual but morally inoffensive
Read in the press article from the “Aachener Zeitung” why human Platelet Lysate is still unusual but morally inoffensive
PL BioScience produces human Platelet Lysate (hPL) as a cell culture supplement. This is still unusual because using the controversial Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) for cell culture is common in research.
Human Platelet Lysate: The future standard for stem cell research
In the press release from 6 October 2020 we talk about how we produce our human Platelet Lysate and why we are convinced that this solution will be the future technology for cell culture. Not only because of the technology but also because of the price stability.
Get to know us a bit better
Our CEO, Dr. Hatim Hemeda, and CFO, Christian Wilkes, give you a small insight in their founding story of the start-up.
If you want to get to know us better, read the whole article here: https://www.aachener-zeitung.de/wirtschaft/blutplaettchen-statt-kaelberserum_aid-53694763 .
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